Christ Church Towanda

Activities at Christ Church

Holy Week Schedule

March 31 - Easter Day 9:45 Sunday School
   10am Holy Communion


For those who were unable to attend, here is a link to a recording of the "Blue Christmas" service

Some photos of the church from our
Blue Christmas Service


We are collecting wish list items for Grace Connection.
They need pop top cans of meat, pasta with meat, pudding cups and fruit cups.
If you are able to help, there is a basket at the back of the church to collect the donations.
Thank you!

A few members helped Esther Lewis Celebrate her 90th Birthday
at a suprise party thrown by her family at the
Wysox Fire Hall

Prayer Quilt
Fun time during Coffee Hour


Prayer Blanket
A new ministry for us
Prayer Shawls for those in special need of our thoughts and prayers

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The prayer shawl ministry is a ministry of service by knitters/crocheters to offer comfort to anyone who has a spiritual/physical need.
As they are offered from the praying hands of the maker, they are passed on to our Christ Church Community of praying hearts to bless and commission them for distribution.
We encourage you to request one on behalf of one another or for yourself to be cradled in hope, kept in joy, grounded in peace, and wrapped in love.
Please notify the office as you need. We will offer them as available.

Our Welcome Coffee Hour for Deacon Sentigar

Thank you Miss Virginia!

Next set of Main St. Windows being removed


Altar windows being reinstalled

Two Altar windows being removed

The first set of four windows were reinstalled the week of August 31st

Work has started on the window restoration project

The new flooring in the Parish Hall area

Last Updated 03/08/2023